Fastest, easiest way to run your golf organization.
Providing the best golf league, and golf tournament software since 1988.
Current editions
Access your golf organization anywhere, anytime, on any type of computer, laptop, tablet, pad, phone, etc...

Golf League Manager

Golf League Manager
Automates your golf league. Scheduling, pairings, flights, score cards, points, standings, live results, and more...
Easy to learn and use!

League Manager details...

Run any number of tournaments. Online signups, automatic pairings, score cards, live leaderboards, and more...
Intuitive and flexible. Saves you time!

Tournament Manager details...

Handicapping for associations, clubs, courses, and golf groups. Automatic handicapping, golfer access, live feeds, and more...
Very easy to use!

Handicap System details...

Runs on desktops, laptops, pads, tables, and phones
Andriod app
Apple app
Legacy editions
Requires a PC computer with Windows.

Golf League Manager (desktop software)

Automates the entire process of running your golf leagues. Includes scheduling, standings, points, and more.

League Manager details...

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(Current vs. Legacy)

Golf Tournament Manager (desktop software)

Automates all aspects of running your tournaments. Sign up golfers, build pairings, print cards, play golf, show results, and much more.

Tournament Manager details...

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(Current vs. Legacy)

Golf Handicap System (desktop software)

Track handicaps and information for your membership. Calculate handicaps for any number of golfers.

Handicap System details...

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(Current vs. Legacy)
