League Manager FAQ
Following are some of the most commonly asked questions about League Manager.
Q: Can League Manager post information to the web?
The legacy desktop version does not come with a website...but the current online version does.
See League Manager online.
It provides a turnkey solution for placing all your
organization's pertinent information on the web.
Q: My league already has a website,
can I post information to it?
A: YES! Many leagues post reports
(schedule, standings, results, membership lists, handicap
sheets, etc...) on their websites. Any report or view in League
Manager can be exported as HTML (web page) files to be posted on
your website.
Q: Do I have to pay a yearly fee to
use League Manager Legacy Edition?
NO annual fees. Some of our competitors charge a yearly
fee to use their league software...but not us...League Manager Legacy Edition
runs forever with NO annual fees. There are some
optional features that are
available with subscription.
Q: My league plays 3 or more separate
courses, can League Manager handle this?
YES! There is no limit to the number of courses your
league can play. We have many traveling leagues that play a
different course each week, and some large leagues even play
across multiple courses in the same event.
Q: My league plays the front and back
of an 18 hole course each event. Can League Manager do this?
YES! With League Manager, your league can play any number of 9 hole
courses (for 9 hole leagues) and 18 hole courses (for 18 hole
leagues) in any event. League Manager can also automatically build a
schedule so that each team/golfer will play the front and back
an equal number of times during the season.
Q: How many leagues can League Manager run?
League Manager can run any number of golf leagues.
Q: My league has both individual and
team standings. Can League Manager do this?
YES! League Manager can track individual and team standings at the
same time. In fact, you can have up to 26 individual flights in
a league, with up to 6 divisions in a league (both baseball and
football style), and League Manager can even run multiple leagues at the
same time.
Q: I don't want to enter hole-by-hole
scores. Can I just enter scores and points?
YES! You don't have to enter scores hole-by-hole, you
can enter only total scores if you want.
Q: My league plays against the
course, not other players/teams. Can League Manager handle this?
YES! You can award points for playing against the course
or field. In fact, you are not even required to award points.
Some leagues do not use points at all - they rank their players
by best net score, gross score, etc.
Q: Can League Manager handle a split
YES! Your league can have any number of splits during
the season.
Q: Does League Manager set up a schedule for the
YES! League Manager makes sure that there are no repeat matches
between teams/individuals, rotates courses, sets tee times, and
dates. You can even have position nights and tournaments.
Q: Can League Manager do handicapping the way we
YES! League Manager can do ANY type of handicapping - set it up any
way you wish.
Q: Can League Manager calculate points the way we
currently play?
Most likely it can. We have thousands of leagues that
use League Manager. Each league handles point awards
differently. League Manager allows you to award points in many different
ways: hole-by-hole, medal, match, player vs. player, team vs.
team, player vs. the course, player vs. the field, team vs. the
field, best ball, ranking, Stableford, cross match...even points
for showing up. Plus you can even award points "manually" for
any possible situation. If you don't think League Manager can handle points
the way your league currently plays, please call (919-460-7424)
or email (info@golfsoftware.com).
Q: Can reports be customized?
YES! Reports can be customized. The demo only shows a few of the
reports, but League Manager provides a wide range of reports.
Choose from any of the dozens of "standard" reports, or create
your own custom report(s) to show whatever you wish. Any report
can be exported to Microsoft Excel, if needed. You can even
create custom views that let you see exactly what you wish on
the main screen. League Manager is very flexible. But don't let
all these "custom" capabilities overwhelm you. Most customers
never need to create custom reports or views - they simply use the predefined reports and views that best fit their league's
Q: League Manager is so full of
features, is it complicated to use?
NO! League Manager is intuitive to use so most
customers never need help, but if you do, help is provided
which gives step-by-step instructions for setting up your
league. There is also a tutorial which quickly gets you
up and running. Plus, League Manager's help system includes
video tutorials so you
can see a video that shows an actual example of how to perform
the specific tasks. What could be easier? Also, if you need one-on-one
help, email or call support (919-460-1628) and we will help you get
going in a few minutes. After your league is set up, just
enter scores and print reports. League Manager does everything
Q: How long has GolfSoftware.com been
in business?
We've been in business since 1988, and are dedicated to
providing the best, easiest to use golf software anywhere.