Competing from Multiple Tees

The USGA recommends that you adjust handicaps when competing from multiple teesLeague Manager makes it easy to adjust handicaps when competing from multiple tees. It is important to note that golf handicaps level the playing field when competing from the SAME tees. Comparing scores posted from the same tee is analogous to comparing "apples to apples" (unless it is mix-gendered competition). Handicaps in golf, though, do not level the playing field when players golf from different sets of tees or from the same tee with different Course Ratings (i.e., men and women's ratings). Comparing scores from different sets of tees or different Course Ratings is like comparing "apples to oranges." 

How to adjust handicaps

It is best to have completed your schedule prior to setting up League Manager to adjust handicaps automatically for multiple tees.

  1. Open the Main Menu, click Settings, click Handicap.
  2. Item 10 in Figure 1 below is where you enable and set up the feature to automatically adjust handicaps.

    Figure 1
  3. Place a check mark by clicking the box (see Item 10, Figure 1 above).
  4. Type the rating for the lowest-rated tee into the box or click on button labeled "Recommend base rating" (see Figure 2 below).

    Figure 2

  5. Figure 3 shows the recommended number in green. Type it into the Base rating box.

    Figure 3
  6. Click on Finished button.

To see how handicaps are adjusted, please see Handicap adjustment when competing from different tees.