Simple pricing


per slot
$ Minimum purchase is 16 slots


How may slots do I need to purchase?

What is the largest size tournament you run? This is the number of slots you need to purchase.

Example #1. You run 20 tournaments a year. The largest tournament will be 80 players. You need to purchase 80 slots.

Example #2. You run 1 tournament a year it will include 64 players. You need to purchase 64 slots.

Example #3. You run 52 tournaments a year. The largest tournament will be 120 players. You need to purchase 120 slots.

Is the $6 for one year?


Can I run any number of tournaments?

Yes. You can run any number of tournaments for one year.

Our group has 400 golfers, but the largest tournament we run is 72 golfers. What do we need?

You need to purchase 72 slots. Tournament Manager will let you have any number of golfers in your rosters, but only 72 participants in any one tournament.

Are there any extra charges?



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