Easy Entry is designed for people unfamiliar with computers - so they can easily post their own scores without being able to alter other golfer's info, revise other golfer's handicaps, etc.
Place a computer in an area of your club house where you would like to increase foot traffic. Put another computer in another location to draw traffic there. Install as many computers as you want in your club house for convenience of golfers and to build traffic.
Easy Entry works seemlessly with Handicap System (online).
Each golfer can...
When a golfer finishes a round, he can walk up to the computer, post in his/her score, and get an immediate report of his scores and projected handicap.
Easy Entry is simple to use and assumes a novice user. It was written for and tested with people unfamiliar with the computer. All the golfer has to do is select...
The way the program operates can be customized by each administrator, to meet their organization's exact needs.
Easy Entry start screen with your club's website displayed
The program also includes an option to display a page from your club
organization's website (see image above).
Call 919-460-7424 if you have questions, or email info@golfsoftware.com