Set Tee Times
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Set tee times (regular start)

If you have had players sign up for specific foursomes / tee times, you would want to use caution with setting tee times as it may switch players to tee times than they signed up for.

  1. Hover over or tap the logo in the upper left of your screen. Click on the 3. Manage link in the Tournament section.

  1. Click the Tools in the upper right corner of Tournament Manager browser window.

  2. Click the third item from the top: Set tee times...

  3. You have a choice between Shotgun start (Item A) and Regular start (Item B). Place the dot on Regular start (Item B). Set Increment time every x team(s) to 1 (Item C). Set Time increment between teeoffs (Item D) to 07:00 minutes, or whatever your course requires.

  4. Set the start time for the first team to 9:00 AM (Item E above). You can retype the time by clicking on it, or click the clock and select a time.

  5. Click the Auto Fill (Item F above) button for Team #2 to fill in consecutive times for Team #2 and teams that follow. The Auto fill button starts with the row it resides in and adjusts every row below it. If you choose Shotgun start, then the Auto fill button will automatically fill in holes on its row and rows below it.


The start hole can be split A, B, C, D, etc. For example, a team can start from hole 1A, 1B, 1C, etc.

You can also sort the Tee-Times form for quick auto entry. For example, assume you are running a multi-day tournament and you are viewing day 2. You want the team with the highest net score from round 1 to tee off first and the lowest net to tee off last. Pull up the Tee-Times form (sample above), and click the Sort button.  Sort by Net, High to Low. Now teams are sorted by net high to low. Assign the first team's tee-time and click Auto fill button so that Tournament Manager assigns the rest. The highest net team is assigned the first tee-time down to the lowest net team which is assigned the last tee-time.

Manually setting Tee time and Hole

To manually set the tee-time and start hole simply click on the item and type in the time and start hole for each team. Press the tab key to enter next tee-time or start hole.