Player Strokes

Select how player’s handicap strokes are applied on the scorecard

  1. Open the Main Menu, click Settings, click Handicap, click Player strokes tab.
  2. Choose one of four options.

Verify how you wish to have strokes applied on the scorecard

  1. Player vs Player
    Recommended if you are awarding points for Individual Competition...Player vs Player. The lower handicap player receives no strokes, the higher handicap player receives strokes based on the difference in handicaps (High Handicap - Low Handicap = Handicap Difference). 

Example: Bob’s handicap is 8, Ted’s handicap is 9. 

  • Bob has the low handicap and receives no strokes. 
  • Ted receives 1 stroke (9 - 8 = 1) on the first handicap hole.

Note: If you also award points for Stableford Competition, a golfer’s full handicap will be applied to the scorecard to determine Stableford points. 

  1. One Player versus Many
    Recommended if you are awarding points for "Team vs Team" competition. The lower handicap player receives no strokes, the higher handicap players receive strokes based on the difference in handicaps.

Example: Bob’s handicap is 8, Ted’s is 9, Sam’s is 10, Fred’s is 11.

  • Bob has the low handicap and receives no strokes. 
  • Ted receives 1 stroke (9 - 8 = 1) on the first handicap hole. 
  • Sam receives 2 strokes (10 - 8 = 2) on the first two handicap holes.
  • Fred receives 3 strokes (11 - 8 = 3) on the first three handicap holes.

Note: If you also award points for Stableford Competition, a golfer’s full handicap will be applied to the scorecard to determine Stableford points.

  1. Player vs the Course
    Recommended if you are awarding points for Stableford Competition.  A player receives full strokes based on his handicap.

Example: Bob’s handicap is 8.  Bob receives 8 strokes on the first eight handicap holes.

  1. Give Strokes Many Ways
    NOT recommended that you use this option.  League Manager automatically applies strokes using the 3 methods above simultaneously.  Method A is used for Individual Competition Points, Method B is used for Team vs Team Points, and method C used for Stableford Points.  All three ways of applying strokes cannot be displayed on the scorecard at once, therefore no strokes will be displayed.