Flight | Pair Players Automatically

Team-based match play leagues...

Pair players automatically

When your league is a team match play that includes team members playing opposing team members, most often the low handicap opponents play each other, and the next lowest, etc. In order to make sure that the low handicap players from each team play against each other, you must pair for each event

  1. Open Main Menu, click 1. Pre-Play and then click Manage.

  2. Go to the Tools drop down menu in the upper right of your League Manager screen and select "Pair players automatically..."

  3. Select one of the three options (Pair by handicap is the most used out of the three).

    Figure 1: Pairing criteria
  4. You will be returned to the main screen with the "paired" date updated (see Figures 2 and 3 below).

    Figure 2: Event not paired yet

    Figure 3: Event paired with date displayed

Flight or re-flight players automatically

  1. Open Main Menu, click 1. Pre-Play and then click Manage.

  2. Go to the Tools drop down menu in the upper right of your League Manager screen and select "Flight players automatically..."

  3. Set the number of flights.

  4. Select to flight within teams or place an equal number of players in each flight (see Figure 4 below) and click the appropriate Update button.

    Figure 4: Flight players