
After play has completed and all scores are posted, it is time to Close and Finalize the event. 

When you Close

  1. Players are no longer able to post scores for that event.

When you Finalize

  1. Your entire list of auto-publish results reports are published to your league website.
  2. The administrator's active event moves to next event.

Close and Finalize event

  1. Open the Main Menu, and click Post-Play.

  2. Click on Close link (see Figure 1 below).

    Figure 1: Close and Finalize
  3. Click on the button labeled, "Close, and set active event to #__". The golfers active event will now advance to the next event.

    Figure 2: Close golfers active event
  4. Click on the Finalize link (see Figure 1 above).

  5. Click on button labeled, "Finalize event #__ on __/__/____" (see Figure 3 below). The Administrator active event will now move to the next event.

    Figure 3: Finalize