What Happens in a Restore

Figure 1 below depicts what happens to the currently existing data on your computer when you Restore a backup file.

The rows in Figure 1...

See explanation of columns of information below at "Stepping through the columns..."

  1. The first row is the data currently on your computer.
  2. The second row is the data in your backup file.
  3. The third row is the data you have when you finish your Restore.

Figure 1

Data in our desktop software is stored as files and those files have an assigned number (LM and TM) or a name (HS). Therefore, if your backup file has the exact same file number (rather than file name) as your current data has - whether it be a League file number in League Manager, Tournament file number in Tournament Manager, Roster file name in Handicap System - the data from the backup file, when restored, will replace the data that is currently on your computer. It is not possible to see the League file number of a particular League name from within League Manager nor the Tournament file number of a particular tournament from within Tournament Manager.

Stepping through the columns in Figure 1 above...

Course Library:

During a Restore your Course Library WILL BE REPLACED. If the Course Library in your current data is the same as in the backup file, you will end with the same set of courses.

"League A" (Tournament file number 1, Roster A):

If you have a league in League Manager named "League A" with a file number of 1, and your current data contains information for Events 1 through 7 and your backup file contains the same file number with information for Events 1 through 7, then you will finish the Restore with the same information.

"League B" (Tournament file number 2, Roster B):

If you have a league in League Manager named "League B" with a file number of 2 and your current data contains information for Events 1 through 7 and your backup file contains the same file number with information for Events 1 through 4, then you will finish the Restore with information for Events 1 through 4 only.

"League C" (Tournament file number 3, Roster C):

If you have no league in League Manager with a file number 3, but your backup file contains information for a League C with a file number 3, then you will finish the Restore with data containing information for League C.

"League D" (Tournament file number 4, Roster D):

If you have a league in League Manager named "League D" with a file number 4, but your backup file contains no information for a file number 4, then you will finish the Restore with data containing information for League D with file number 4. It is not replaced by anything.

"League E" (Tournament file number 5 & 6, Roster D):

If you have a league in League Manager named "League E" with a file number 5, and your backup file containts a "League E" with a file number 6, then you will finish the Restore with a League E with a file number 5 and a League E with a file number 6.